I was never called to service but several in my family have served our country.
My father was drafted by the Army and served in the Pacific from ’43 – ’45. He landed in Okinawa after the battle and was among the first soldiers to occupy Japan after they surrendered.
His brothers (my uncles) also served. Uncle Frank was a marine in the Pacific campaign and saw extensive action. Uncle Charlie was in the Battle of the Bulge with General Patton. Uncle Bill was an Army Air Corp mechanic who served in Germany. Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Andy both served in Korea and my mother’s brother, Uncle Ralph, also served in Germany. My family’s very proud of their military service and we’re grateful they all returned home!
The Csonka family military record continued after WW2 with my brother, Joe, serving in the Army and my sister, Norita, in the Army and the Air Force. My son, Paul, joined the Coast Guard and served part of his tenure in Alaska on Kodiak Island. My grandson, Jacob, is a marine. My nephew, Tony, served in the Army and nephew, Anthony, will retire from the Air Force soon.
Thanks to my family for your service and thanks to ALL who have served and sacrificed!